Published Date-
March 17, 2020
Last Updated Date-
April 28, 2020

Top 3 Ways to Reduce Ad Cost

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Are you looking for information on how to reduce ad cost?

Perhaps your business is reeling from steep advertising expenses that it has become increasingly difficult to maintain a healthy profit margin?

It’s a challenge that all marketers share and one that can mean the difference between failure and success.

After all, ads are necessary to generate a steady flow of leads to grow your business. However, with the ever-increasing competition in any niche and tight profit margins, the last thing marketers want is to deal with increased ad expenses.

In this article, we’ll go over the reason why businesses tend to overspend on ads and what can be done better in order to manage these expenses. Only then can you expect to make the most out of every dollar you spend on ad expenses.

Why is my cost per click so high on Facebook and how do I  Reduce Ad Cost?

It’s a common complaint among marketers and while Facebook is an excellent platform for generating leads, it’s easy for businesses to blow their marketing budget especially when they don’t know what they’re doing. The cost of Facebook ads can be significant and where most marketers tend to get it wrong is that they run ads to a much broader audience. The same is true for other platforms like PPC (Pay-per-Click), LinkedIn, Youtube, etc.

On Facebook, in particular, you can run ads tied to specific interests and demographics but that’s not enough. You’d still be dealing with hundreds if not thousands of people regardless of niche. Going after them all can cost businesses a lot of money with nothing to show for it. The better approach would be to craft laser-focused ads and send them to the right people. But how do you do just that? How to lower the cost per click on Facebook?

Consider the following tips on how to Reduce Ad Cost and maximise conversions

Be Specific

The first step on how to reduce cost per lead on Facebook (or whichever lead generation platform you’re using) is to go after a very specific audience. To do that, you can start by building a list of 100 most influential people in your niche. You can call this list your “Dream100” — a terminology originally coined by Chet Holmes (a top American marketing executive, trainer, consultant and motivational speaker).

The people on your Dream100 ought to already have a good following on Facebook. It is these people you ought to be targeting with ads. Again, the idea is to be very specific which means crafting one ad for every page and influencer. The same goes for optimizing your lead magnets wherein it pays to be as specific as possible as opposed to targeting a wide range of customers with generalized offers.

Bridge competitors

Now you might be wondering — aren’t you just building a list of your top competitors with the Dream100? Won’t serving ads only work to their advantage? Well, another way of thinking about it is that you’re working with them to thrive in the market. Each individual on that list has hundreds of followers who are interested in what the influencer has to offer. Hence, it is more than likely, that they’ll be interested in what you have to offer as well.

For example, you might be in the business of web design so your Dream100 list will be comprised of people like Jeffrey Zeldman, Vitaly Friedman and Chris Coyier. You can target their followers and reference their work; anything that you can use to establish a connection (bridge) between the people on your list and that of your business. 

Create laser-focused ads

At this point, you should already have your Dream100 and you can start working on crafting laser-focused ads around each influencer in your niche. Again, you would want ads for every influencer/expert on your list. You can also serve ads targetting specific businesses and organizations. The more targeted your ads, the lower your cost per lead and the easier it would be for businesses to control the cost of Facebook ads or whichever platform you’re using to generate leads.


So there you have it — 3 things that you can do to start reducing your ad expenses for your business. As competition gets tougher, the cost of running ads will only soar higher and that’s just the way it is. That said, there are insightful strategies that you can use to generate the leads you need without putting a dent on your marketing budget.

Yujin Yeoh has a passion for helping others in reaching their goals through content and his agency Automate Online. Having been in the Marketing Industry, he knows a lot of different strategies and techniques that are sure to help you.

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